Morning Mist
The rainforest traps so much water vapor that there is often a morning mist the sun struggles to burn off. A recent morning in Panti Forest.
The rainforest traps so much water vapor that there is often a morning mist the sun struggles to burn off. A recent morning in Panti Forest.
This article presents a nesting record of the The Barred Eagle-Owl Bubo sumatranus sumatranus. The species has a wide range from Myanmar, through Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and Singapore. It can adapt to the widespread monoculture habitat of oil palm plantations and is of least concern. Still it is a striking looking owl and a pleasure to see.
At Panti Forest on March 2, we observed a family of Red-bearded Bee-eaters who were very vocal and conspicuous.
Recently I went up to the rice fields at Batang Tiga on the outskirts of Melaka to check out the reported trio of Aquila eagles. I planned to spend one night to break up the driving.
On Saturday, Sept 22, Danny, Kok Hui and I drove up to Malaysia to meet up with Ang to survey the paddyfields at Sungai Rambai, also known as Batu Gajah or Merlimau, two towns in the area.
At 5 am on Friday, Nov 25, 2011, Danny, Jia Sheng and I set off for a three day, two night trip to Parit Jawa and the surrounding rice paddies.
There are four species of Leaf Monkeys in Peninsular Malaysia. They are all (IUCN) Near-Threatened mainly due to habitat loss especially clearance of forest for oil palm and human habitation.
On the first day of July, 2010, I was on Bunker Trail, when just before 8:00am I noticed a bird fly from tree to tree that gave me the overall impression of a large cuckoo. I was in the car at the time and so I drove to the forest edge and observed, the bird continued to move from branch to branch until to my great fortune it settled on a relatively open perch. It would stay on this perch for an incredible twenty minutes giving me plenty of time to observe it’s behaviour. One of the first things I noticed was the bird was making a very soft call, and then within a few minutes a female White-rumped Shama flew in. As soon as the female was there, the cuckoo started quivering it’s wings.
Ever since my first trip to what is now Panti Bird Sanctuary, Johor, I have been fascinated with the Rail-babbler. Now six years later I have seen the Rail-babbler on a number of occasions, usually just brief glimpses of the bird walking away through obstructing foliage. But I’ve been quite lucky twice. Once in May 2010 a pair of Rail-babblers simply walked past my vehicle allowing leisurely viewing and several photos taken from inside the car.